On June 21, 2013 at 10.00 in the Cultural-InformationCenter of the Embassy of Ukraine to the HellenicRepublic will take place a meeting of the delegation of Dnipropetrovsk Region with Greek businessmen. The event is held in the framework of Ukrainian-Greek regional cooperation.
From the Ukrainian side in the meeting will participate Deputy Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council for executive staff, Head of the Department for Strategic Planning and Investment Policy, Ph.D. Mr. Volodymyr Peregudov, Chief Executive of the „Αgency for Regional Development of Dnipropetrovsk Region” Mrs. Yana Gorobets, Counsellor to Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Sergii Chaika, representatives of the „ATB-Market” Corporation – Deputy Director Mr. Andrii Yashchenko, Deputy Director Mrs. Svitlana Gosalova, as well as Head of fruits & vegetables department Mr. Yuriy Shevlyuk.
The Greek side will be represented by the Heads of more than 30 companies interested in developing trade and economic relations with Ukraine.
In the framework of the event Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic Volodymyr Shkurov will introduce the Dnipropetrovsk Region which is one of the most powerful and economically developed region of Ukraine, and the one of the leading retail trade companies in Ukraine - „ATB-Market” Corporation, will be shown the presentation of the economic potential of Dnipropetrovsk Region, will be presented examples of Greek products manufacturers as well as the bilateral meetings in an informal format will take place.
Namely meeting will allow to present in Greece the opportunities and the potential of the Dnipropetrovsk Region of Ukraine, facilitate effective search of the business partners and establishing bilateral business contacts.