On November 26, 2013 at the Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic was held the commemorative event on the 80th Anniversary Commemoration of the Victims of Holodomor 1932-1933 in Ukraine. The representatives of the Ukrainian community of Athens, members of the Embassy`s Counsil of Ukrainians, Vice-President of the Hellenic-Ukrainian Chamber Mr. G.-N.Bougas, Greek community and mass-media participated in the event.
Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic Volodymyr Shkurov in his speech underlined, that taking into account the scope of the tragedy, cruelty and cynicism of the Holodomor’s execution, modern history of Europe knows no analogies of such a horrific crime. He stressed that revealing such crimes against humanity, preserving historical memory about the Holodomor`s victims, recognizing and commemorating their tortures will help preventing similar catastrophes in future.
With a moment of silence, lighted candles and a memorial service for the fallen participants honored the memory of Holodomor`s victims.
For the eternal memory of the millions who lost their lives were devoted the performances of the Ukrainian school children`s associations “Beregynia”, "Trembita", "Ukrainian-Greek Thought", the performance of the Joint Choir of the Ukrainian community, the thematic photo exhibition, prepared by the Embassy, as well as the exhibition of the drawings of the "Trembita"`s Saturday school pupils.