Regarding the formation of register of voters and inclusion of voters to the State register of voters to participate in the Ukraine Presidential Elections on May 25, 2014
On May 25, 2014 will take place vote at the Ukraine Presidential election.
Realizing the voting rights for the citizens of Ukraine, residing or staying abroad, will be ensured by their inclusion in the list of voters at the respective polling stations abroad.
Due to the necessity of ensuring the voting rights for the citizens of Ukraine, temporarily or permanently living abroad, for the convenience of voters on the official website of the Central Election Commission „State Register of Voters” ( created service „Personal cabinet of the Voter”, which is working in the mode of test.
In the „Personal cabinet of the Voter” citizens have the opportunity to verify their inclusion (not inclusion) into the State Register of Voters and their voting address in the Register.
Please be informed, that in accordance with part 9 article 36-1 of the Law of Ukraine „On the Election of the President of Ukraine” clearly defines that on the day of elections to the updated list of voters at the polling stations may be amended only correct inaccuracies and technical misprints, and does not provide inclusion of the new voters.
Also please be noted, that due to the extremely short time for compiling the list of voters, established by the provisions of the Ukrainian legislation, the relevant application must be submitted by voters in advance.
Remain, that the members of the election commission of the foreign polling station 900016 from the 12th of May (daily, from 10.00 to 20.00) at the Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic (2, St. Delta Str, Philothei, 15237, Athens) hold a duty in the preparatory process for the election.