23 березня 2016 р.
Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic express its gratitude to all who provided their assistance in case of returning to Ukraine Ukrainian soldier Roman Los.
We would like to underline, that willingness to help have been expressed from all, without exception, representatives of Ukrainian Societies in Greece, not only those, that was indicated on the publication of Ms. Anna Maniatti named `The returning of Roman` in `Ukranorama`, dated March 22, 2016.
Ordinary Ukrainians, who is not belonging to any of Ukrainian societies in Greece, as well as some Greek citizens, also concerned of Roman`s fate.
Embassy`s stuff, as well as representatives of the Ukrainian community in Greece, with all their activities and taking personal care, daily alternation in hospital, did everything possible, including the organization of returning Roman home. Ukrainian volunteers, who with the diplomats of Ukraine carried daily at the KAT hospital, know about it better than others.
However, in the light of subjective information in social networks, we consider that it is our obligation to provide official information on the basis of official documents on this issue.
On February 18, 2016 the Embassy received a letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (dated 18.02.2016 №20/24-194), which stated the ongoing on February 18, 2016 at the Ministry of Social Policy an interministrial meeting on treatment abroad of wounded Ukrainian soldiers. The letter particularly stated (quote): "Given the willing of the family of Roman Los, it was discussed the possibility of returning the last to Ukraine".
On February 19, 2016 the Embassy of Ukraine sent the answer (letter dated February 19, 2016 №6125/14-840-0292), which included a copy of the letter from Hospital KAT \dated February 19, 2016\ regarding the health stage and the possibility of transportation of Roman Los to Ukraine. The letter particularly mentioned that (quote) "the patient can be transported by air, such as the special plane to Ukrainian hospital for further treatment, accompanied by a doctor".
On February 25, 2016 the Embassy received a letter from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (dated February 23, 2016 №2559/0/14-16 /172), which particularly mentioned that (quote) "it was taken joint decision of inexpediency of continuation rehabilitation of Sergeant Roman Los at Athens Hospital KAT. Instead was proposed further rehabilitation of Roman Los at the central hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine coordinated taken decision not continuing rehabilitation sergeant Los RM at Athens State Hospital "KAT". Instead was proposed for the further rehabilitation Los RM at the Central Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to take measures for transportation the patient to Ukraine".
On February 25, 2016, pursuant to this letter, following the advice of the Hospital KAT, the Embassy contacted with the one of the Greek companies, specializing in international air transportations of seriously ill patients. Delivered from the Greek company information about the readiness to transfer Roman Los to Ukraine was sent on March 26, 2016 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (letter dated February 26, 2016 #6125/71-840-0334). The similar information was provided in response to a request of MP of Ukraine Olha Bohomolets (letter dated February 27, 2016 #6125/71-840-0345).
However, the Embassy, to apply of the request of the First Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Mr. V.Shevchenko (letter dated February 23, 2016 #2559/0/14-16/172) (quote) "please instruct the Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic to hold a negotiations with the Government of the Hellenic Republic regarding the possibility of financing by the Greek Side returning of Roman Los to Ukraine", worked out the possibility of transporting seriously ill Ukrainian soldier by the means of the Greek Side. To this end, for attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the HellenicRepublic and the Ministry of National Defense of the HellenicRepublic was conveyed a Verbale Note (dated February 26, 2016 29/EMB). Ambassador V.Shkurov also held a meeting with the General Secretary of Public Health Mr. Ioannis Baskozos.
On March 4, 2016 the Embassy sent a letter to the Mission of Ukraine to NATO (dated March 4, 2016 #6125/4121-840-0387), which, inter alia, stated (quote): "Please, if possible, to implement additional measures to search funding for transportation Roman Los to Ukraine".
On March 10, 2016 the Embassy received a letter from the Mission of Ukraine the NATO (dated March 10, 2016 #4121/14-185/10/3-227), which, inter alia, stated (quote): "[...] taking into account the proposals for medical evacuation of Roman Los to Ukraine, received from the Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic[...]" (quote): "The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) - executive structure of NATO for implementation of the NATO Trust Fund of rehabilitation (prosthetics) soldiers (hereinafter - TF) has agreed in principle to finance medical evacuation of Roman Los from Greece to Ukraine by TF". Letter also included the algorithm of using TF`s funds in case of returning Roman Los to Ukraine.
On March 16, 2016, according to the decision of the Government of Ukraine and following to the obtained authority from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ambassador of Ukraine Volodymyr Shkurov signed an Air Transportation Agreement #403978 between the State Enterprise `Antonov Company` (in the person of Oleksandr Grytsenko, General Director of Antonov Airlines) and the Embassy of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic (in the person of Volodymyr Shkurov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic) (scan copy of the signatures on the contract attached herewith).
Funds in the amount of 11.432 euros were provided by The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).
With the organizational assistance of the Embassy, transportation of Roman from the hospital KAT to the flight strip of the AthensInternationalAirport was made by the special reanimobile of the Greek company EKAP free of charge.
On March 18, 2016 Ukrainian soldier Roman Los was transported from Greece to Ukraine by the aircraft type AH-26-100 of the State Enterprise `Antonov Company`.
Once again we express our sincere gratitude to all those who in one way or another were involved in these case.
Embassy of Ukraine
to the Hellenic Republic